For our one-night stay, we pick a relatively new place down the mountain from the old resort area. 夜晚,我们在莫干山选择了从老景区往山下、位于半山腰的一处相对较新的度假村,名叫NakedRetreats。
A man broke into the store overnight, and tried to cover his tracks by burning the place down. 有人在半夜里闯进了店铺,并试图烧掉此地来掩盖他的行迹。
When the sun comes out the place quiets down and the butterflies get to work. 太阳升起时,这个地方就安静下来,蝴蝶也上工去了。
We've got our eye on a place down near the harbor. 我们看啊港湾附近的一块地。
Then bomb the place down, with psycho bombs. 炸掉那个地方,用神经***。
Howard: And he should have a lot of money and live in a cool place down by the beach where we could throw parties. 霍华德:而且他要很有钱,还要在海边有一处豪宅可以让我们开派对。
We told you to shut this place down twice. 我们已经两次让你关了这里。
We took the place down with the wrong guy. 我们和错误的人抢了那个地方。
With all the action taking place only24km down, the seabed was thrust violently upwards, triggering huge waves. 所有这一切活动都发生在据海平面仅34千米以下的地方,所以海床剧烈地向上猛推,引起惊涛骇浪。
I hope they close this place down for good. 我希望他们最好关了这地方。
No, not if I've got to burn the place down! 不,即使我不得不把这地方烧毁!
She's trying to bring the whole place down. 她想要把整个磨坊弄塌。
Police reported a curious encounter that took place down near the banks of the Hadrian River, which runs through Tarant. 警方报告了一起发生在流往塔伦特的哈德里安河岸边附近的奇怪遭遇。
That he wiped the whole place down with bleach. 他已经用漂白剂把那整个地方都彻底擦洗过了。
Who sold that place down by the lake that had been on the market two years? 是谁卖掉那栋坐落在湖边费时2年还卖不掉的房子?
Cynthia wants to tear this place down by raiding the unit. 辛西娅想要分裂部队把这地方搞垮。
Clint and I vowed to go to bed early, but we ended up having so much fun we closed the place down. Clint和我发誓要早点睡觉,但我们结果一直聊到关门。
The police came and turned the place upside down. 警察来了,把整个地方翻得乱七八糟。
They're gonna tear this place down. 他们要把这个地方拆了。
There was a barbecue place down the street. 街口有个烧烤的地方。
Place down the3rd finished Refinery on your main field, DONT SELL IT. 在主矿区放下第三个完成的精炼厂,不要卖掉他。
Place down the finished Power Plant and que another Refinery. 放下完成的电厂并建造另一个精炼厂。
Place down that knife before you hurt someone! 放下刀,别伤了人!
Then burn the place down! 那就烧了这地方!
We don't need to lock this place down. 我们不需要封锁这块地方。
Are you trying to burn the place down? 你想要烧掉这地方不成?
And figure out how you can burn my place down this time? 然后商量如何再去毁我的店吗?
Maxwould close the place down first. 麦克斯会先关了这地方。
There's this great place down there. 那里可有个好地方。
If we want to regulate these essential factor of fault, to avoid the phenomenon of oversteps in the cognitive factor and the will factor, we must settle a proper place down for the emotion. 我们要想理顺罪过中各种要素的形态,避免认识因素或意志因素越俎代庖的现象,必须在罪过之中还情感一个名分,给情感一席之地。